Friday, February 12, 2010

A Page From the Obama Fund Raising Book ...

Our experience over the last few years has been informative and frustrating, but it has convinced me that Sustainability is not just something for us to bring to the LDC's (lesser developed countries) and the economically disadvantaged.  It is the best advice we can give ourselves.  Those of us who have the light of social responsibility and mission burning within us need to take aggressive responsibility for our own development.  We have to be our own funding agency.  It is as simple as that.  One cannot do good if one has not done well!  It has always been thus, if someone gives you money for a program they will determine how and where you spend it. ... and for reasons too many to catalog here, those reasons will usually not mesh well with yours.  It is an application of the golden rule of money.  "He who has the gold, makes the rules."

My dear friend, Kevin Clauson, of Reach The Children, spent $10 Million of his own funds building schools, digging water wells, and making micro loans in Africa.  He did it his way without anyone second guessing  him, or dictating priorities. Unless, like Kevin, one has significant personal funds to dedicate to development, one must go to the philanthropic and donor sector hat in hand seeking funds.  When one does this one gets told how to spend the money.  We do not believe the traditional approach to funding can be successful.  It has NOT worked to date.  Why should it work NOW?    That's where Drumming An End To Poverty comes in!

Soon, we will announce the debut of "Drum Out Poverty," day!  It will be one day in the summer of 2010. On that day, I will attempt to organize all drum circles to meet in the name of 8 million people who die every year simply because they can't afford to stay alive!  One day's drumming dedicated to raising funds, NOT JUST FOR CHARITY ... but for Sustainable Development ... to give people the skills, tools, and investment dollars needed to build their own business, hire others and create viable healthy families and communities.

I will reach out to dum cireles thorugh any medium, any means available to us.  We now have a presence on Facebook and Linkedin under our name:  Drumming An End To Poverty and on Twitter: drum2endpoverty.  I will be updating this blog on a regular basis now, every few days.  Here's how you can help us if you feel the spirit move within you.

Help Make Sustainable Development Work - First, social networking!  Become a fan on Facebook, link to us on Linkedin, and follow us on Twitter for one thing!  Then, next follow this blog.    Send us the name and an electronic address for you, and or your drum circle.  Our plan is to send information on how we will organize get banners, Tshirts, hats etc and our model for funding you and us a s well.  Please let me hear from you.  I don't care if you read this today or six months from now ... we need every drummer out there.  We can do this.  Finally email me at:

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Reality Rushes In ...

 Given the significant resource requirements of the effort and the increasing escalation of the Haitian crisis,  I have decided to restructure the Drumming An End To Poverty event  to accommodate the new realities of the post Haitian crisis environment.  It is difficult, if not impossible to focus upon poverty in Africa when we have such a devastated economy right here in our hemisphere.  The Nairobi Microcredit Summit is, in fact, although important, a regional event.  Next year is the Global Microcredit Summit and given the present situation, we have determined to redirect our near term efforts to Haiti! We will then readjust our sights upon the 2011 Global Summit in Spain.

Even without the terrible events surrounding the "quake," Haiti was already a disaster for those 80$ of all Haitians who live below the poverty line there.  For us, the earth quake is a wake up call.  Unless we can rebuild the economy from the bottom up, the existing power structure will defeat any effort to create a prosperous middle class by sucking up all funding and diverting it to their purposes.  We need a plan to support the creation of new growing businesses, a plan to redistribute, not the money, but the opportunity in Haiti.  We need to level the playing field.

So, very soon we shall see a new website spring up where this one once stood.  It will be "Drumming An End To Poverty in Haiti!  We will hold the Drum Circle here in Washington DC!  We expect it to be held in mid-June.  It will be on a Sunday and held at, or near The Catholic University in NE Washington.  Proceeds from the event will go to establishment of a fund to support small business growth in Haiti.